Altar Servers Dominique Hyppolite
A visible example of answering God’s call to service, our altar servers assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy. Altar servers must have received first confession and Holy Communion. Boys and girls are welcomed.
Orientation is offered every Sunday after the 10:00 AM mass.
Choir Joycee Deaver
Qui canta, bis orat.? (One who sings, prays twice.) ? St Augustine. If your soul and spirit yearn ?Sing to the Lord and praise him!? (Psalm 96:2), please contact Joycee. Children are welcomed to join the Choir.
Eucharistic Ministers
Cecelia Joly
Mission: Share the body and blood of Jesus Christ to those in communion with the Holy Catholic Church. Eucharistic Ministers assist the presiding priest by giving the body and blood of Christ to the church congregation during Mass and take communion to those unable to attend Mass. Please contact Cecelia or the parish office if you are interested in the ministry of the Eucharistic Ministers.
?Come Holy Spirit, into my mind and my heart as I read these Sacred Scriptures. Inspire me with your grace to proclaim this Living Word with sincerity and reverence.”. The ministry of the lector calls for a person to grow in a warm and loving knowledge of Scripture, the Living Word of God. He or she is invited to enter into a relationship with the Word that is creative, powerful, and effective. Please contact Audrey if you are interested in the ministry of the Lectors
Order Servants of Mary Gloria Stewart
The Servants of Mary (also known as Servites) is a Catholic community of women religious and lay associates called to bring the compassionate presence of God, in the spirit of Mary, to all those whom we meet and with whom we minister . We belong to an international community, the Order of Servants of Mary (OSM).
Men’s Club Open
The St John Fisher Men’s Club provides services to its members and parishioners through serving at social functions requiring bar/beverage services. Once a month, the Men’s Club sponsors and serves Pancake Breakfast after the morning mass. We also aid the Ladies Auxiliary when needed. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Men’s Club, please contact Eugene or call the parish office for more information.
Religious Education Annabelle McManus
The CCD program offers Sacramental preparation and religious education for children and RCIA for adults who have been called to conversion into the Catholic faith or who have been baptized and need to receive the Initiation Sacraments of First Communion and/or Confirmation.
Children ages 4 – 18 years can be registered for the CCD program. Classes are divided by age group and include Sacramental preparation for First Holy Communion and First Penance beginning in 2nd grade, and Confirmation beginning in 8th grade (Confirmation formation/preparation is 2 years). Classes follow the school schedule, beginning the first Sunday after Labor Day in September and ending in early June, with breaks given for Christmas and Easter. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is ongoing throughout the year. Please call Fr. Chamindra Williams, Director of CCD/RCIA, for information. Classes are on Sunday from 8:45 AM to 9:50 AM. Please call the parish office at 561-842-1224 for registration, fee information, or if you are interested in volunteering.
We Ushers are committed to helping provide financial stability to our church by encouraging parishioners to be supportive and generous.
St John Fisher Ushers are very responsible and dependable parishioners with a positive attitude, who serve our fellow parishioners with courtesy and patience.
If you are interested in serving as an Usher, please contact Gerard or call the parish office.
Women’s Guild Marcia Bodden
The Women’s Guild
support the church and enrich our family through prayer and service.
? General Meetings will be held on the 2nd Sunday of every month following the 10:00 am Mass (September thru May ).
The Women’s Guild mission is to work together in God’s name through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We support the church and church family through prayer and service.
The St. John Fisher Women’s Guild was established in April 1964. It was originally called the Altar Society. Guild meetings are held monthly, September to May. We hold special events as well as parish socials.
The Guild supports members with outreach ministry and serves as a medium through which the ladies of the parish act as a unit in matters concerning the parish and public interest. The Guild unites the ladies of the parish in adoration of the Almighty God and devotion to His Blessed Mother. The Guild provides care and maintenance of the Altar, vestments and statues, and assists the Pastor in the well-being of the Parish.
Please contact Marcia if you have any questions or are interested in becoming a member of the Women’s Guild.
Youth Ministry – Bilingual
Escogida – Chosen Generation
Marlene Rivera
Empowering our young people to live as disciples of Christ, nurturing and supporting their growing loving relationship with the Living God, and helping our youths to discern their calling as Catholic Christians. If you are between the ages of 13 and 17, you are invited and encouraged to join the Youth Group. Gatherings are every other Sunday from 3:00 to 4:00 PM.
Acolitos (Monaguillos)
Saida López
Este grupo se reúne el segundo sabados del mes de 5:30 ? 7:00 PM en el salón parroquial.
Coordinador de Música – Nelson García
Damas Católicas en Acción
Lorena Santiago Este grupo se reúne cada dos sabados de 5:00 ? 6:30 PM en el salón parroquial.
Grupo de
“Movidos por el
Glandy Bravo
Este grupo se reúne todos los viernes de 7:00 ? 9:00 PM en el salón parroquial para orar, cantar y darle honor a Dios nuestro salvador.
“Enviados de Cristo”
Este grupo se reúne todos los jueves de 7:30 ? 9:30 PM en el salón parroquial.
Felipe Ramirez
Nelson Garcia
“Vayan por todo el mundo y prediquen el Evangelio a toda la creación” (Mc 16,15). Este mandato de Cristo nos llama a cada uno a proclamar la Buena Nueva de Jesús y a transmitir su mensaje a las generaciones futuras profesando, viviendo y celebrando nuestra fe.
Misión: Promover los valores humanos y cristianos de la familia, para que esta sea en la comunidad: formadora de personas, educadora en la fe, consiente de su misión evangelizadora y comprometida en el desarrollo integral de la comunidad y de la iglesia doméstica.
Ministros de la Eucaristía Silvia Mazariegos
Misión: Los ministros de la Eucaristía comparten el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo a aquellos que están en comunión con la Santa Iglesia Católica.
Ellos asisten y presiden al sacerdote en la distribución del Cuerpo Eucaristía y la Sangre de Cristo a la congregación de la iglesia durante la misa y llevan la Eucaristía a aquellos que no pueden asistir a la misa o que estén recluidos en lugares de cuido y recuperación.
Comprometidos ha proclamar la palabra de Dios. Dentro de las celebraciones dentro de las santa misa. Día y hora de reunión es el segundo y cuarto domingo de cada mes a las diez de la mañana en el salón parroquial.
Día de reunión : Segundo y cuarto domingo de cada mes a las 10:00 de la mañana en el salón parroquial.

Emmaus de Mujeres Name Blanca Vicente

Grupo Emaus Mujeres Last Sunday of the month 5:00 pm (Hall) Monday
Emmaus de Hombres Name Benais Vazquez

Grupo Emaus Last Saturday of the month 7:00?9:00 pm (Church)